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施工现场白菜体验金论坛 设置有哪些请求

来历://feelingvision.com/   宣布时候:2023-03-10


1. Continuous and closed fences shall be set around the construction site as required; Safety protection facilities shall also be set up when building multi-storey and high-rise buildings. The height of the fence set in the main sections of the urban area and the urban landscape roads, airports, docks and station squares shall not be less than 2.5m, and the height of the fence set in other sections shall not be less than 1.8m.
2、白菜体验金论坛 利用的资料应保障围栏安定、整齐、雅观。市政工程名目工地,可按工程进度分段设置围栏或按划定利用同一的持续性护栏举措措施。施工单元不得在工地围栏外堆放修建资料、渣滓和工程渣土。在经核准姑且占用的地区,应严酷按核准的占地规模和利用性子寄存、堆卸修建资料或机具装备,姑且地区周围应设置高于1m的围栏
2. The materials used for enclosure shall ensure that the fence is stable, clean and beautiful. On the construction site of municipal engineering projects, fences can be set up in sections according to the project progress or uniform continuous guardrail facilities can be used according to the regulations. The construction unit shall not stack construction materials, garbage and engineering waste outside the fence of the construction site. In the area approved for temporary occupation, construction materials or machinery and equipment shall be stored and unloaded strictly according to the approved scope of occupation and the nature of use. A fence higher than 1m shall be set around the temporary area
3. On the construction site with conditions, the surrounding walls, dormitory walls and other places must hang and write eye-catching slogans that reflect the spirit of the enterprise and the style of the times.
都会修建工地核心围蔽,遮挡物。起到一种丑化,整齐,同一的感化。此刻根基都会扶植中,都会用来的。白菜体验金论坛 的高度普通在2米以上,罕见的有2米,4米,6米和8米,或更高的12米等,白菜体验金论坛 外表和张贴该名目标结果图和宣扬画面等。或用于都会公益告白。
Enclosure and shelter around urban construction site. It plays a role of beautification, neatness and unification. It will be used in basic urban construction. The height of the enclosure is generally more than 2 meters, and the common ones are 2 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters and 8 meters, or 12 meters higher. The enclosure surface and the effect picture and publicity picture of the project are posted. Or for urban public service advertising.
白菜体验金论坛 高度在4米以下的,普通接纳单立柱式,公开深挖根本1米摆布。,立柱接纳直径140mm或189mm等。
If the height of the enclosure is less than 4 meters, the single column type is generally adopted, and the underground deep excavation foundation is about 1 meter., The diameter of the column is 140mm or 189mm.
白菜体验金论坛 高度在4米以上的,普通接纳双立柱式,公开深挖根本随高度的调剂而调剂。双立柱接纳直径114mm-219mm不等。
If the enclosure height is more than 4 meters, the double-column type is generally adopted, and the underground deep excavation foundation is adjusted with the height adjustment. The diameter of double columns varies from 114mm to 219mm.
Galvanized tile is generally applied on the surface with thickness of 0.5mm.