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金属白菜体验金论坛 在抗打击性上的上风有甚么?

来历://feelingvision.com/   宣布时候:2023-03-02

按照设想和出产规范,尺寸和工艺,在出产和拼接装置中对柱,横梁,挡板,对角撑杆,横向增强肋和其余组件停止规范化,以完成批量出产,疾速运输和拼接装置,这在很大水平上下降了金属白菜体验金论坛 的装置本钱。

According to the design and production standards, dimensions and processes, columns, beams, baffles, diagonal braces, transverse stiffeners and other components are standardized in production and splicing installation to achieve mass production, rapid transportation and splicing installation, which greatly reduces the installation cost of metal enclosures.
2. Recyclable, environmentally friendly and durable.
金属白菜体验金论坛 由金属资料制成,外表静电喷涂,不退色或耐侵蚀,利用寿命长,在不破坏的前提下,能够停止装配从头利用。
The metal enclosure is made of metal materials, with electrostatic spraying on the surface, which is not fade or corrosion resistant, and has a long service life. It can be disassembled and reused without damage.
3. Fire retardant, not afraid of high temperature.
Cold rolled light steel, with PE spraying and electrostatic spraying treatment on its surface, is resistant to high temperature and is not easy to burn. After surface treatment, the color is not only beautiful and fadeless, but also has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, insect resistance and sound absorption.
金属白菜体验金论坛 特色:
Metal enclosure features:
1、金属白菜体验金论坛 能够避免有关职员进入施工现场的一种方式,能够掩护施工职员和行人的安危。
1. Metal enclosure is a method to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering the construction site and protect the safety of construction personnel and pedestrians.
2、金属白菜体验金论坛 能够蒙受各类卑劣的气候前提,若是被尘埃等净化,能够间接利用水管对其外表停止喷洒,就能够洗濯清洁,同时也是一种合适阻燃规范并能延缓火势舒展的耐火资料。
2. The metal enclosure can withstand all kinds of bad weather conditions. If it is polluted by dust, it can be cleaned by spraying its surface directly with a water pipe. It is also a fire-retardant material that meets the fire retardant standard and can delay the spread of fire.
3、金属白菜体验金论坛 装置便利,快速,安稳,易于装配,可反复利用,不会对都会情况形成净化。
3. The metal enclosure is easy to install, fast, firm, easy to disassemble, reusable, and will not pollute the urban environment.