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吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 在此刻修建工地上利用很关头

来历://feelingvision.com/   宣布时候:2023-05-08

因为吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 的施工品质会对前期利用的宁静产生较大影响,是以,在搭设吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 的进程中应注重以下施工要点。
Due to the significant impact of the construction quality of the steel bar processing shed on the safety of later use, the following construction points should be noted during the installation of the steel bar processing shed.
白菜论坛彩金 _工地钢筋白嫖白菜彩金网 _规范化建造剖析
Construction site reinforcement processing shed_ Construction site steel reinforcement protection shed_ Analysis of standardized production
(1)施工前,应先体例详细的白嫖白菜彩金网 施工打算,并在起头施工时先对白嫖白菜彩金网 规模内的两侧途径停止整平、拓宽功课,设置排水沟,以确保排水通顺,顺应吊车站位及吊装。
(1) Before construction, a detailed construction plan for the protective shed should be prepared, and before starting construction, the roads on both sides of the protective shed should be leveled and widened, and drainage ditches should be set up to ensure smooth drainage and adapt to the crane position and lifting.
(2)若吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 的根本施工规模内光缆、电力线浩繁,还应制定光缆、电力线等装备的改移打算,和相干掩护办法,以确保施工宁静和装备宁静。
(2) If there are many optical cables and power lines within the basic construction scope of the steel bar processing shed, a relocation plan for equipment such as optical cables and power lines should also be formulated, as well as relevant protective measures, to ensure construction safety and equipment safety.
(3)吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 施工时,其焊接功课的进程必然要注重防火,若是有风必须设置好挡风板,以避免产生火花飞溅,形成宁静隐患。同时,吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 上不得堆放杂物,和钢筋、模板等资料,以防产生火警。
(3) During the construction of the steel bar processing shed, attention must be paid to fire prevention during the welding process. If there is wind, a wind deflector must be installed to avoid sparks and potential safety hazards. At the same time, debris, as well as materials such as steel bars and templates, should not be piled up on the steel bar processing shed to prevent a fire.
(4)按吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 的矩型管立杆间距、排距请求停止定位放线,并将垫板铺设放安稳,不得悬空。同时,矩型管立杆接长应接纳对接电焊毗连,立杆对接电焊焊接应交织安排。
(4) Position and set out according to the spacing and row spacing requirements of the rectangular pipe upright in the steel processing shed, and lay the base plate smoothly without hanging in the air. At the same time, the extension of the rectangular pipe upright should be connected by butt welding, and the butt welding of the upright should be arranged in a staggered manner.
白菜论坛彩金 _工地钢筋白嫖白菜彩金网 _规范化建造剖析
Construction site reinforcement processing shed_ Construction site steel reinforcement protection shed_ Analysis of standardized production
(5)吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 棚顶铺装施工时,均应在既有线上方功课,且须注重空中功课宁静,严禁任何机具和资料不测掉落破坏线路装备。同时,应经由进程钢管立柱,在吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 两侧设置接地办法。
(5) When paving the roof of the steel processing shed, operations should be carried out above the existing line, and attention should be paid to the safety of high-altitude operations. It is strictly prohibited for any machinery and materials to accidentally fall and damage the line equipment. At the same time, grounding measures should be set up on both sides of the steel processing shed through steel pipe columns.
现场吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 普通需按照施工织打算,安顿钢筋对焊机、堵截机、曲折机、调直机......等装备的数目及加工流水线;另还需斟酌局部钢筋原资料、加工后钢筋的周转及堆放;现场施工园地、用电等前提来肯定;故吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 普通跨度在12~18m,,长度尽能够大于30m。
The on-site steel bar processing shed generally needs to be equipped with steel bar welding machines, cutting machines, bending machines, straightening machines, etc. according to the construction weaving plan The number of equipment and processing lines; In addition, it is necessary to consider the turnover and stacking of some raw materials and processed steel bars; Determine the construction site and electricity usage conditions on site; Therefore, the steel bar processing shed generally has a span of 12-18 meters, and the length should be as much as possible greater than 30 meters.
东西式吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 搭设详细尺寸按照现场现实环境肯定。
The specific dimensions for setting up a tool type steel bar processing shed will be determined based on the actual situation on site.
The processing workshop set up around the turning radius of the tower crane and the building must be equipped with double layer hard protection.
The ground of the processing workshop needs to be hardened, and concrete ground should be selected.
Safety warning signs and safety propaganda slogans should be hung on the top of the processing workshop, with a width of 1m.
东西式吉祥虎白菜彩金网论坛 需在夺目处挂操纵规程图牌,图牌的尺寸为:宽×高=2000mm×1000mm。
The tool type steel bar processing shed needs to be prominently hung with an operating procedure diagram board, with a size of: wide × Height=2000mm × 1000mm。
The specifications of various profiles and components are reference values, and the specific specifications should be calculated based on local wind and snow loads.
In the southern region, if encountering a typhoon, wind prevention measures should be taken and cable ropes can be installed.