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白菜资源网 有哪些根本特色先容

来历://feelingvision.com/   宣布时候:2023-04-28

白菜资源网 又叫做基坑白菜彩金社区菜园子 ,基坑防护雕栏,基坑围栏,深基坑临边防护网等,首要接纳电焊工艺焊接而成,可利用于修建施工基坑临边的姑且宁静防护。

Foundation pit guardrails, also known as foundation pit edge guardrails, foundation pit protective guardrails, foundation pit fences, deep foundation pit edge protective nets, etc., are mainly welded using electric welding technology and can be used for temporary safety protection of construction foundation pit edges.
白菜资源网 的规格首要是1.2米高,2米宽,立柱高度为1.2米,原资料首要选用规范方钢,横杆利用30mm*30mm*1.5mm厚,立柱普通利用50mm*50mm*2mm方钢,铁板厚度是0.8米,底部设置法兰盘,每一个法兰盘设置4个螺栓孔,顶部封锁,与空中用收缩螺栓安稳。
The specifications of the foundation pit guardrail are mainly 1.2 meters high and 2 meters wide, with a column height of 1.2 meters. The raw materials are mainly made of standard square steel. The horizontal bars are 30mm * 30mm * 1.5mm thick, and the columns are generally 50mm * 50mm * 2mm square steel. The thickness of the iron plate is 0.8 meters, and flange plates are set at the bottom. Each flange plate is equipped with 4 bolt holes, and the top is closed and fixed with expansion bolts to the ground.
白菜资源网 首要用于修建施工现场基坑的临边防护,也可普遍利用于配电检验、电气检验、交通及其他止步场合等。色彩首要接纳黄黑相间或红白相间,特别色彩可按客户请求定做。
Foundation pit guardrails are mainly used for edge protection of foundation pits in construction sites, and can also be widely used in power distribution maintenance, electrical maintenance, transportation, and other stopping places. The main colors are yellow black or red white, and special colors can be customized according to customer requirements.
划定施工中基坑周边必须要装置白菜资源网 ,一方面是隔绝危险地区,避免显现宁静变乱的爆发,另外一方面可以或许起到宁静警示的结果,把警示语吊挂在白菜资源网 上,让施工职员时辰服膺在心中。
It is required to install foundation pit guardrails around the foundation pit during construction. On the one hand, it is necessary to block the risk area and prevent the occurrence of safety accidents. On the other hand, it can serve as a safety warning. The warning message should be hung on the foundation pit guardrail to keep it in mind by construction personnel at all times.
白菜资源网 接纳最新焊接手艺,使焊点完善无瑕,抗性好,不怕磨损、不怕雨淋、抗老化,宁静机能强,外型雅观,具有警示的长处,工程竣事可反复利用,矫捷性极强。
The foundation pit guardrail adopts the latest welding technology, so that the welding points are perfect, resistant, not afraid of wear, rain, aging, strong safety performance, beautiful appearance, warning advantages, reusable after the project is completed, and extremely flexible.
白菜资源网 是划定必须在施工现场装置的防护举措措施,有用的避免隔绝车辆职员掉入基坑。
Foundation pit guardrails are protective facilities that must be installed on the construction site, effectively preventing vehicles and personnel from falling into the foundation pit.